Sunday, 9 October 2011

October Outside: Moon Halo

I was tweeting and surfing when one of my friend posted on his Facebook regarding moon ring. So I just go outside to see if there is ring but unfortunately sky at my place wasn't doing a good job; it is cloudy. Basically moon ring, or known as Moon Halo or Winter Halo occurs because of refraction in tiny hexagonal ice crystals in the air. As per description above I didn't manage to take any picture but I manage to compile pictures from my friends. So just sit back and enjoy.

[caption id="attachment_541" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Moon halo image from UiTM Shah Alam, taken by D-chan"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_549" align="aligncenter" width="198" caption="Another beautiful moon halo image from Kuala Lumpur, taken by reppu_kiri"][/caption]

Thursday, 6 October 2011

1955 - 2011: RIP Former CEO of Apple Inc, Steve Jobs

It might sound a little bit late but, RIP Steve Jobs. The world just lost another genius who change the perspective towards technology and gadgets.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Record Video or Gameplay Using FRAPS

Okay for today I'll teach you how to record a gameplay using FRAPS.

What you will need:
 - XviD codec
- VirtualDub

Alternatively, you can use Windows Movie Maker to encode larger video, but for this tutorial I will be using VirtualDub.


Okay lets take a look at FRAPS screen first.

We have four tabs there. Now lets just look at Movies tab which is need to be set up first before we record any games.

See Video Capture Hotkey setting there? This is vital for you during the capture process. Just leave default settings there and remember what hotkey should be hit if you want to record playback.

Now we proceed to Video Capture Settings. FPS is Frame Per Second, which will affect your video quality and filesize after capturing process done. So what FPS should I use? Up to you and how much your computer can handle. I'll be using 100 fps for this purpose.

Check Sound Capture Settings if you want to include sounds in your video. Other settings are pretty self-explanatory.