I was tweeting and surfing when one of my friend posted on his Facebook regarding moon ring. So I just go outside to see if there is ring but unfortunately sky at my place wasn't doing a good job; it is cloudy. Basically moon ring, or known as Moon Halo or Winter Halo occurs because of refraction in tiny hexagonal ice crystals in the air. As per description above I didn't manage to take any picture but I manage to compile pictures from my friends. So just sit back and enjoy.
[caption id="attachment_541" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Moon halo image from UiTM Shah Alam, taken by D-chan"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_549" align="aligncenter" width="198" caption="Another beautiful moon halo image from Kuala Lumpur, taken by reppu_kiri"][/caption]
Okay for today I'll teach you how to record a gameplay using FRAPS.
What you will need: - FRAPS - XviD codec - VirtualDub
Alternatively, you can use Windows Movie Maker to encode larger video, but for this tutorial I will be using VirtualDub.
Okay lets take a look at FRAPS screen first.
We have four tabs there. Now lets just look at Movies tab which is need to be set up first before we record any games.
See Video Capture Hotkey setting there? This is vital for you during the capture process. Just leave default settings there and remember what hotkey should be hit if you want to record playback.
Now we proceed to Video Capture Settings. FPS is Frame Per Second, which will affect your video quality and filesize after capturing process done. So what FPS should I use? Up to you and how much your computer can handle. I'll be using 100 fps for this purpose.
Check Sound Capture Settings if you want to include sounds in your video. Other settings are pretty self-explanatory.
Just a quick post regarding on how amateur astronomers can help in professional astronomy field and you can find the transcript below this video. The last quote from Gus Johnson make my heart touched, spontaneously. Enjoy this short but meaningful story.
Astronomer Gus Johnson likes the quiet and the dark. But weather conditions are working against him this night near his home in Maryland.
GUS JOHNSON: "Well, Jupiter went behind a cloud so we have the moon ... "
Johnson has been watching stars for 50 years. He remembers hundreds of star positions and he loves to share what he knows.
GUS JOHNSON: "That planet has a diameter 11 times that of the Earth."
In 1979, Johnson discovered a supernova, or exploding star. Scientists now believe his supernova is the newest and nearest black hole.
GUS JOHNSON: "That's the supernova right there. When I came to M100 [galaxy], there was this other little star that for some reason caught my attention. I don't know why. And later on, I checked the photograph, and it wasn't on the photograph. And that proved to be the Supernova SN 1979c."
Was he happy with the discovery?
GUS JOHNSON: "Yes, I was. And I am, and thankful too because so few people actually get to discover things."
Scientists believe that black holes are often created. But to see it happen is extremely rare. Kim Weaver is an astrophysicist. Last year, she and other scientists announced that Johnson's supernova was probably the birth of a black hole.
KIM WEAVER: "We want to watch how this system evolves and changes in its youthful stages from when it's first born to when it grows into a child and a teenager."
Some astronomers dismiss the work of what they call citizen scientists. But Weaver says these amateur astronomers do put thousands more eyes on the universe.
KIM WEAVER: "They don't have access to the large telescopes that professionals have access to. But what they can do is they have [the] freedom to be able to use smaller telescopes any time they want to look all over the sky."
Caroline Moore and her father are amateur astronomers.
CAROLINE MOORE: "This was the first telescope that I had ever got." The Moores made an observatory behind their home in New York State. Caroline made a major discovery two years ago, when she was only 14. She studied hundreds of images with a computer as part of a search team.
CAROLINE MOORE: "I discovered the least luminous supernova ever to be observed, which is a ... and I am the youngest person to discover a supernova so it kind of makes it a double interesting thing."
Back in Maryland, Gus Johnson observes fresh-fallen snow and an ice-covered lake. There is something almost sad about his intense love of the environment. Was he looking for a supernova that night long ago?
GUS JOHNSON: "Nope. It was entirely accidental. It's kind of the grand realities of existence. The earth and everything we know is such a minute part of the whole universe. Watching the creation of God ... that's pretty spectacular."
Alright since HoshikunV2 introduced you with a good rhythm game now I would like to share a popular game played by mostly Japanese media fans. The title explains the name and a catchy phrase but none of them gonna change your mind unless you try it yourself.
Lets check out the main page itself of what this game is all about;
osu! is primarily played using a mouse to click 'beats' displayed on-screen in time with the music. This is analogous to tapping the beats on the Nintendo DS screen with a stylus. At the top of the screen, a health bar is present, which is constantly drained. If the player hits or clears a beat, the health meter at the top of the screen fills slightly. If he misses a beat, a large part of the meter is drained, and if it gets completely empty, he fails the song. There are three types of beats in the game: Hit circles, sliders and spinners. Every time the player hits a hit circle or an end circle, touch a slider tick, or clear a spinner, the combo is raised by 1. If he misses any of the above, the combo is reset back to 0.
Basically, this rhythm game require you to click on their 'beats' using your mouse before the meter drained. The hardest part is to maintain the faster beats that constantly appeared plus the moment while you are sliding the spinners, a part that total beginners would gave up and throw up the game in the dustbin straight away. Put that aside, this game is totally enjoyable with the good interface and you may use them as your personal MP3 player if you are tired of playing.
Since my exams are coming around soon enough, i do have a lil' bit of boredom doing drills and studying all the time. I'd prefer some high-graphic games but with this temporary cooked PC, that ain't gonna do. Thus I've found a game that will let me relax my thoughts and minds. Ofc, it's rhythm-music game.
Audiosurf is an award-winning puzzle/rhythm hybrid game created by Invisible Handlebar, a personal company created by Dylan Fitterer.Its track-like stages visually mimic the music the player chooses, while the player races across several lanes collecting colored blocks that appear in sync with the music. The game was released on February 15, 2008 over Steam; the full version was for a long time only available for purchase through Steam, but was later released as a retail product in Europe, by Ascaron. Audiosurf was the first third party game to use Valve's Steamworks technology. The Zune HD version was also released as Audiosurf Tilt.
[caption id="attachment_466" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Visual for the gameplay. Move your mouse and hit the coloured, avoid the grey blocks."][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_467" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Interface for the song selection. You could use your own song. Ain't that cool?"][/caption]
Audiosurf is pretty old, but as long as there are new songs, it'd be nice to play 'em wif this. For my view, yes, it appears to be pretty entertaining. There's also multiple choices of game modes for different difficulties. What I like the most is because they allow you to choose your own song. That's pretty convenient, deshou?
For rating, i'm giving it 8/10. It's a nice game for a break. How about giving it a try?
Ah yea, for the video gameplay:
Looks fun, deshou? well, for the download, i'll leave it to your guys to search for them. It's not hard since you just need to put the title of the game in the google search engine then add the word "mediafire" behind it :3
On the latest news of astronomy world, a new supernova was seen on August 24 by Caltech astronomers. This new supernova, now called SN 2011fe (initially designated PTF 11kly), was exploded in the Pinwheel galaxy (M101) in the constellation Ursa Major. The star was first a dim magnitude 17.2, but now has brightened to magnitude 10 and easily reached under a 4-inch telescope.
Of course this is a great news for amateur astronomers. However, M101 itself is a little hard to see at this time as the Big Dipper is low on the horizon for most of the night, and it is impossible to spot M101 from the deep southern hemisphere as the position of the Big Dipper is under the horizon. But if you insist to observe it, go outside around 7 PM and yes, naked eyes won't do but a backyard telescope or good binoculars should be enough to see it.
Here are some pictures taken by astronomers from various sources. The supernova itself is equally bright to the galaxy nucleus and make it relatively easy to observe, even over very long distance. Well just sit back and enjoy the stars, there will be more occasion waiting for you.
Though it would be inconvenient for me to introduce myself here, but i might as well do it as this is my first post. Well, a new writer here invited by ZerOne01. I'll keep this site updated anything related with anime or J-stuffs whenever i have time.
Okay, that's all for intros~
So, as the title says, yea i know, it's a not-very-old-but-looks-old song. This song was the ED of Bakemonogatari, which i recently watched(should've before, oh well time counts).
Tbh, I was really touched with the lyrics. Guess what? It's a confession of a girl, which is turned into a song. And this song also relates astronomy like the "Natsu no Sankaku" (The Summer Triangle) which consists of the stars Deneb, Altair and Vega.
Watch it first before i start ranting or else you won't get a single thing.
And yes, for further info about what the heck is happening in the video, there's a link in the description(that guy's view) and some description regarding "Natsu no Sankaku"
Alright, as you can see the music of the song is nice. I like the drumming and the piano sounds in this as both of them attracts my ears the most besides the voice. The first two line already means like she's telling a story instead of some flowery lyrics. I like the way she put it through outspokenly. And what makes me replays this song again and again is her voice and the lyrics. Notice that there's a line for confession around at the end of the song? If i were to put this, it's like confessing your feelings(girl) to someone you like(guy) even though you'd knew you would be rejected after all. Her voice type is freedom. It makes the listener feels like running in a vast field opposing the swift wind, unstoppable.
For a rating out of 10, i'd give it 9/10. Well, that's a short review of my view of the song. It's best to feel it yourself and perhaps you'll have different than mine. Have a good time enjoying this one :3
Arsenal just cannot go with that. 8-2 defeat were the total disappointment after beaten by 2-0 in the last match with Liverpool. Rooney scores hat trick with two free-kick goals and a penalty, while Young contributed two goals. Nani, Park and Welbeck contributed a goal consecutively for themselves. 2 goals scored by both Arsenal strikers Walcott and van Persie just not enough for them to at least reduce the goal differences.
This is the major loss ever for Arsene Wenger, in fact that this two clubs should be theoretically balance.
On the other side, Manchester City having their goal feast by kicking out Tottenham Hotspur 5-1. While WBA lost 0-1 to Stoke City, Newcastle United is going well for this season by beating Fulham 2-1. United still on the top of the league by goal differences and share the same points with City.
Dah lama tak update blog pasal hujan meteor. Apa tu hujan meteor? Pernah dengar orang cakap tahi bintang? Itu bahasa pasarnya sementara bahasa standard pula orang kata meteor. Maknanya hujan meteor tu banyaklah meteor jatuh. Kali ni kita cerita tentang hujan meteor Perseid.
Perseid mendapat nama berdasarkan tempat di mana meteor tu muncul, iaitu di buruj Perseus (lihat gambar). Meteor ini terjadi apabila bumi melintasi kawasan sisa-sisa debu ekor komet 109P/Swift-Tuttle yang kemudiannya masuk ke atmosfera bumi sebagai meteor. Kadar Perseid pada tahun ini dijangka memuncak pada 11 hingga 13 Ogos namun malangnya pada masa itu, bulan pun dah sampai ke fasa penuhnya. Ini sedikit sebanyak mengganggu penglihatan dan mengurangkan jumlah meteor Perseid yang kita boleh nampak dengan jelas apabila dia muncul, kecuali meteor yang betul-betul terang. Apa nak buat? Tak perlu risau, hujan meteor Perseid sebenarnya bermula dari pertengahan Julai lagi. Kalau tak dapat tengok pada waktu kemuncak, apa kata kita mula dari sekarang. Cuba renung ke langit pada malam ini sehinggalah pada waktu kemuncak, dan kalau rajin boleh tulis dalam buku nota anda berapa banyak meteor yang muncul pada malam-malam tersebut. 10 malam pertama bulan Ogos adalah waktu terbaik kerana bulan akan mula bergerak ke fasa penuh selepas itu. Pastikan langit anda betul-betul gelap, tiada gangguan cahaya lain dan mata anda telah disesuaikan dalam keadaan gelap lebih kurang 15 minit.
Hujan meteor Perseid adalah antara hujan meteor terbesar selain hujan meteor Geminids, Lyrids, Orionids, dan lain-lain. Ia juga memuncak beberapa minggu selepas hujan meteor Delta Aquariids memuncak pada 29 Julai tahun ini. Tak perlulah bercakap panjang, cuba cari lokasi sesuai dan lihat sendiri keajaiban yang dicipta dan diatur oleh yang Maha Kuasa kepada kita ini. Mudah-mudahan kita beroleh sesuatu yang bermanfaat darinya. Dan tak lupa juga, anda boleh lihat 9 singgahan Bulan sepanjang bulan Ramadhan atau bulan Ogos ini, hasil dari kiraan falak menggunakan perisian Stellarium oleh Encik Shahrin kita.
Tanggal 1 Ogos 2011 kita pun memasuki bulan yang amat ditunggu-tunggu oleh seluruh umat Islam, iaitu bulan Ramadhan. Disamping amalan berpuasa, kita juga akan dijanjikan berlipat kali ganda pahala hasil dari amalan baik berbanding dengan bulan-bulan yang lain. Di kesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan selamat berpuasa kepada seluruh umat Islam yang berada di seluruh pelusuk dunia. Semoga dengan kedatangan bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak ini dapat merubah cara hidup kita dari buruk kepada yang lebih baik. Di sini juga saya sertakan beberapa bahan sempena bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini.
Niat puasa harian:
Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari menunaikan Fardhu Ramadan tahun ini kerana Allah Taala
Niat puasa sebulan:
Sahaja aku berniat berpuasa keseluruhan pada bulan ramadhan ini kerana Allah Taala
Doa berbuka puasa:
Ya Allah bagi Engkau aku berpuasa dan dengan Engkau beriman aku dengan rezeki Engkau aku berbuka dengan rahmat Engkau wahai yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang.
Doa selepas berbuka puasa:
Ya Allah! Kerana Engkau aku berbuka puasa dan kepada Engkau aku beriman dan atas rezeki dari Engkau aku berbuka puasa telah hilang dahaga sudah menjadi basah segala urat. Ya Allah! Aku minta diampuni dosaku dengan rahmat Engkau yang meliputi segala sesuatu. Jadual waktu Imsak dan Berbuka boleh dimuat turun disini
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w yang bermaksud : "Semua amal anak Adam dilipatgandakan kebaikan (pahala) dari 10 hingga 700 kali ganda kecuali ibadah puasa. Adapun puasa itu adalah untuk Allah dan Dia akan terus memberikan pahala kepada sekelian." (Hadis Riwayat Muslim)
Facts: - Singapore won with the score 5-3 against Malaysia at the home side. - Malaysia and Singapore down to 10 players on second half. - Malaysia need 2 more goals at least to qualify for the next round. - <add more>
BERSIH 2.0 rally are planned to start on 2.00PM July 9, 2011 at Stadium Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur. The capital are locked down and over 100 people who are supporting BERSIH was arrested by the police before 9AM. Images are taken from various sources. Continue reading to see more images.
Kelantan dinobatkan sebagai juara Liga Super 2011 selepas menundukkan Sabah 2-1 hasil jaringan Norshahrul Idlan Talaha atau lebih dikenali sebagai Mat Yo di Stadium Likas, Kota Kinabalu malam tadi. Kelantan bermula garang apabila Norshahrul Idlan mengegar kubu lawan dengan jaringan gol seawal 10 minit pertama apabila Norshahrul Idlan berjaya menjaringkan gol dengan tonjolan mudah menerjah masuk ke gawang gol pasukan Sabah. Benteng pertahanan Sabah kemudiannya terus diasak oleh pasukan Kelantan dalam usaha memburu lebih gol sedangkan mereka hanya perlu seri untuk memenangi liga.
Pada separuh masa kedua, Kelantan berjaya menambah gol kedua pada minit ke-71, juga hasil dari jaringan cantik Norshahrul Idlan yang menyepak lencong bola meluru masuk ke gawang gol pasukan Sabah. Sabah merapatkan kedudukan apabila satu gol berjaya dijaringkan penyerang berbisa Sabah, Razlan Oto yang ditukarkan masuk mengantikkan rakannya untuk menguatkan bahagian hadapan. Sabah banyak mendominasi permainan pada separuh masa kedua namun gagal memanfaatkan peluang hingga ke wisel penamat, sekaligus mengesahkan kejuaraan Kelantan untuk Liga Super kali ini.
Sementara itu, Abdul Hadi Yahya dinobatkan sebagai pemilik anugerah kasut emas setelah berjaya mengumpul 20 gol sepanjang kempen Liga Super, menewaskan Norshahrul Idlan Talaha yang hanya kekurangan 1 gol setelah menjaringkan dua gol yang cukup bermakna bagi pasukan Kelantan. Hadi mengakhiri liga dengan menjaringkan 4 gol untuk menewaskan Felda United 6-2.
Selangor terpaksa akur dan perlu berpuas hati sekadar menduduki tempat ketiga setelah seri tanpa jaringan dengan Perak. Pahang dan Perlis dijangka akan tersingkir dari Liga Super selepas menduduki tempat kedua terakhir dan terakhir liga dengan masing-masing tewas pada perlawanan akhir. Kemenangan pasukan Kelantan sangat bermakna kepada penyokong The Red Warriors setelah tewas kepada Terengganu yang berjaya merampas Piala FA 11 Jun yang lalu.
Berikut adalah keputusan penuh perlawanan akhir dan kedudukan akhir kempen Liga Super 2011:
Tahniah Kelantan, jumpa lagi di Piala Malaysia dan Liga Super musim hadapan.
Pengasas komuniti amatur astronomi FalakOnline Malaysia, Encik Shahrin Ahmad atau lebih dikenali sebagai shahgazer di forum telah memberikan serba sedikit ilmu mengenai astronomi semasa beliau ditemuramah dalam rancangan Malaysia Hari Ini kelolaan TV3, semalam. Diharap pengenalan serba sedikit mengenai astronomi ini dapat menarik ramai lagi rakyat Malaysia turut serta memeriahkan bidang astronomi amatur :D
Nak tau lebih lanjut mengenai aktiviti melibatkan astronomi amatur? Jom join komuniti FO di http://www.falak-online.net
Second leg match between Chinese Taipei and Malaysia at Municipal Stadium, Taipei, Taiwan on Sunday, July 3 2011.
Facts: - 4-4 draw based on aggregate, but Malaysia won by 2 away goals against 1 away goal from Chinese Taipei. - 2 successful set piece goals by Malaysia. - 3 penalties was given to Chinese Taipei, 2 of them was successfully taken. - 1 penalty saved. - 1 foul committed leads to penalty for Malaysia was denied. - The same referee when Malaysia was taken down by Indonesia 5-1 during group stage in AFF Suzuki Cup 2010. - Malaysian defenders not doing their good job despite having good midfielders and attackers. - Chinese Taipei have a good formation and nice but harsh gameplay. - 5 yellow cards to Malaysia and 2 for Chinese Taipei. - Malaysia advance to next round and meeting Singapore on 23 and 28 July 2011.
A viral poster and YouTube video has been spread through the net, but some people accuse these as fake.
Good evening, Malaysia.
Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, whereby those important events of the past usually associated with someone’s death or the end of some awful bloody struggle are celebrated with a nice holiday. I thought we could mark this day sixteenth of june, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, think, and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well, certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now Prime Minister. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
We have seen the censorship taken by the Malaysian government, blocking sites like The Pirate Bay, and WikiLeaks. Malaysia is one of the world’s strictest governments, even blocking out movies, and television shows. These acts of censorship are inexcusable. You are taking away a basic human right. The internet is here for freedom, without fear of government interference. Do not think that no one else notices. Your structured government has done the talking, and we hear loud and clear. Let this be an announcement to all your people. This is a sign, a warning, and an opportunity to listen to ideas above your own. In a way you are being stubborn. But how will this help anyone or your country. We fear that if you make further decisions to take away human freedom. We are obligated to act fast and have no mercy. For rules were meant to be broken. And corruption was meant to be washed away and forgiven. Now we will wash your corruption away so be prepared. Take this as a favor.
We shall bring down the entire countries national infrastructure. We shall make this a day to be remembered.
This is your second warning.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect Us.
Being fake or not, all websites must be secured properly in case of someone hacking without us noticed it. Don't blame the hackers, blame your security system.
[spoiler]Greetings, Malaysia, We have seen the censorship taken by the Malaysian government, blocking sites like The Pirate Bay, and WikiLeaks. Malaysia is one of the world's strictest governments, even blocking out movies, and television shows. These acts of censorship are inexcusable. You are taking away a basic human right. The internet is here for freedom, without fear of government interference. Do not think that no one else notices. Your structured government has done the talking, and we hear loud and clear. Let this be an announcement to all your people. This is a sign, a warning, and an opportunity to listen to ideas above your own. In a way you are being stubborn. But how will this help anyone or your country. We fear that if you make further decisions to take away human freedom. We are obligated to act fast and have no mercy. For rules were meant to be broken. And corruption was meant to be washed away and forgiven. Now we will wash your corruption away so be prepared. Take this as a favor.[/spoiler]
Hacked/down websites will be updated from time to time, do tell us if you have any information regarding this and the websites affected. Sites tagged with [Down] indicator means either it has been DDoS-ed or switched off by government. Confirm first whether the site are down or not by visiting this page http://www.isup.me/
- SabahTourism.com [link] [Hacked][Leaked] - CIDB [link] [Hacked] - Jabatan Perdana Menteri [link] [Leaked] - Land Public Transport Commision [link] - Malaysian Meteorological Service [link] - ASEANconnect [link] - Hollywood-Artist.info [link] - Ministry of Education [link] - Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Malaysia [link] - Bomba [link] - TMNet [link] - Perbendaharaan Malaysia [link] - Kementerian Kerja Raya Malaysia [link] - Parlimen Malaysia [link] - JobsMalaysia [link] - Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan [link] - Portal KSM [link] - Majlis Sukan Negara [link] - Tourism Malaysia [link] - PDRM [link] - KRU Studios [link] - SKMM [link] - HRMIS [link]
The link above are listed for archive purpose, and some facts here;
1. They are Anonymous, they will never leave their footsteps behind after operation. 2. Do not confuse Anonymous with local hackers group like DragonForce, the list above are for Anonymous' attack. See here for the information about DragonForce. 3. During attack, the websites are constantly down because of high server load created by the massive attack known as Distribute Denial of Service (DDoS). 4. The government switched off part of their websites. 5. I'm not part of Anonymous, so don't ask me to hack anything. 6. Thanks for the updates and comments, two thumbs up to you guys.
Barcelona having their good game today, while Manchester United are not playing by their usual gameplay, similar performance showed when they are played against Liverpool and lost by 3-1. Hence, Barca is the best European team after beating Manchester United two in a row in UCL 2009 and UCL 2011. Congratulations Barca.
Fenomena Istiwa' Kaabah iaitu matahari berada di atas Kaabah akan berlaku pada hari ini, 28 Mei pada jam 5.16 petang dan sekali lagi pada 16 Julai pada jam 5.28 petang. Antara kelebihan fenomena ini ialah kita boleh memeriksa arah sebenar kiblat di tempat kita.
Di sini disertakan cara memeriksa arah kiblat:
Pacakkan sebatang kayu atau apa-apa objek yang lurus di atas permukaan yang rata.
Pastikan kayu tersebut tegak 90 darjah.
Pastikan bayang-bayang kayu tersebut jelas kelihatan di atas permukaan yang rata tadi
Pastikan kawasan tersebut, matahari boleh kelihatan dengan mudah dan tidak terlindung.
Apabila sampai waktunya, perhatikan bayang-bayang objek tadi.
Unjurkan garisan bayang- bayang tersebut ke arah matahari.
Garisan itu akan menunjukkan tepat ke arah kiblat, InsyaAllah
Untuk info secara visual apa kata kita rujuk pada vodcast yang dihasilkan oleh Encik Shah, webmaster Falak Online yang juga seorang ahli amatur astronomi.
Semoga anda tidak terlepas peluang yang hanya datang dua kali setahun ini. Selamat berjaya.
Most of us are familiar with code 4xx errors when surfing around the net no matter forum, online store or online community website. A 4xx error, basically intended for cases in which the client seems to have erred. These codes are the most common error codes encountered when online.
400 Bad Request
Cannot be understood by server due to bad syntax.
401 Unauthorized
The request requires user authorization but the authorization codes sent were invalid or the user was not recognized in the system.
402 Payment Required
Reserved for future use.
403 Forbidden
The server understood the request, but refuses to fulfill it. Authenticating will make no difference.
404 Not Found
The requested resource could not be found or does not exist but may be available again in the future.
405 Method Not Allowed
A request was made of a resource using a request method not supported by that resource.
406 Not Acceptable
The requested resource is only capable of generating content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request.
407 Proxy Authentication Required
Similar to 401, but the client must first authenticate with a proxy.
408 Request Timeout
The client did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait.
409 Conflict
The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.
410 Gone
Indicates that the resource requested is no longer available and will not be available again.
Hari guru sebenarnya boleh disambut oleh sesiapa sahaja yang boleh digelar guru. Sahabat yang memberi ilmu walaupun sedikit kepada sahabatnya yang lain juga layak digelar guru. Secara umumnya, guru bermaksud orang yang memberi ilmu walaupun sedikit. Dengan cukupnya syarat itu maka seseorang itu layak digelar guru. Masihkah anda teringat bagaimana guru-guru mendidik kita dengan ilmu teori mahupun disiplin? Masih ingatkah kita bagaimana kita mengeji guru-guru yang merotan atau memarahi kita? Guru umpama ibu bapa kita, mereka tahu cara mendidik kita dan mereka perlu dihormati kerana tanpa mereka siapalah kita. Sedangkan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W sendiri berguru dengan malaikat Jibril a.s yang mengajar baginda membaca.
Mungkin tanpa guru tinta ini tidak akan tertulis dengan sempurnanya. Hargailah guru kita dengan kejayaan kita, mereka tidak perlukan harta kita, mereka hanya mahu melihat anak didiknya berjaya atas hasil didikannya. Guru tidak pernah menyesal untuk mendidik anak muridnya walaupun sedegil dan seteruk mana anak didiknya itu kerana baginya manusia boleh berubah dengan ilmu yang diamalkan, dan ilmu datang dari seorang guru. Ucaplah terima kasih kepada guru kita apabila menerima keputusan yang cemerlang.
Bukannya susah untuk meluahkan dua perkataan itu, yang penting keikhlasan dan kasih sayang yang diberikan kepada orang yang berjasa kepada kita. Janganlah jadi seperti kacang lupakan kulits seperti apa yang berlaku sebelum ini apabila anak didik sanggup memukul dan mencaci gurunya yang memberinya tunjuk ajar dan ilmu yang sangat berguna. Mereka lupa dan terlalu ego dengan diri mereka. Mereka tidak tahu dunia sebenar. Jika mereka tahu pasti mereka akan menyesal dengan perbuatan mereka. Seorang penuntut ilmu tidak akan berjaya jika pertamanya, dia tidak berani atau tidak pandai mengambil risiko. Dan keduanya, jika tiada keberkatan dari seorang guru. Jadikan satu hari ini hari mereka, berilah kegembiraan kepada mereka, naikkanlah semangat mereka untuk terus mendidik sampai mereka menutup mata mereka. Ucapkanlah 'Selamat Haru Guru' kepada mereka dengan penuh kasih sayang dan buktikan kepada mereka kita boleh berjaya dengan hasil tunjuk ajar mereka.
Ni masalah lama sejak Facebook dok ada. Memang tak pernah dan tak akan selesai sampai ke sudah la agaknya. Tengah sedap-sedap usha lepak kat Facebook tiba-tiba pulak ada orang post sesuatu kat wall. Aku ingat nak suruh bayar hutang ke apa kan tapi tengok la apa dia post.
Heh, macam la aku nak percaya benda ni sumer. Aku tak marah sapa yang post ni pasal dia dah kasitau aku awal-awal post tu spam. Tapi aku tak kata la aku nak backup tukang rajin klik ni. Korang kena sedar bila nampak link pelik-pelik dengan ayat semacam don't fukken click the link kalau tak nak kena sumpah dengan kawan-kawan korang. Benda ni memang dah selalu berlaku dan aku rasa korang pun dah lali dan boleh rasa kan mana satu spam dan mana satu tak spam. Ok aku cuba kasi tips nak kasi elak benda ni
Tengah sedap jalan-jalan kat Facebook, tiba-tiba jumpa pulak warning ni
Aku baca dan tersenyum, masih ada lagi pesanan hoax yang berlegar-legar di ruang maya internet ni. Biasalah, nampak je warning tanpa usul periksa terus copy paste je dan percaya bulat-bulat warning tersebut. Kat sini aku nak ceritakan asal usul amaran egg windscreen attack ni dan kenapa ianya adalah gimik semata-mata.
Amaran ni mula tersebar pada lewat tahun 2009, bermula dengan emel-emel random yang diforwardkan macam emel-emel berantai yang lain. Contoh emel yang berlegar adalah seperti berikut
If you are driving at night and eggs are thrown at your windshield, do not operate the wiper and spray any water because eggs mixed with water become milky and block your vision up to 92.5% so you are forced to stop at the roadside and become a victim of robbers.
This is a new technique used by robbers.
Agak lama kan emel-emel ni tersebar? Kat Malaysia je baru nak sampai rasanya. Ok kat sini aku nak cerita kenapa ianya fake. Aku kasi dalam bentuk point je supaya senang nak nampak.
Somehow you wonder how to actually hack certain Facebook pages so that you can take over their roles and imitate as their admins. So here is one easy way to do that;
Rutin Javier Hernandez (Chicharito) berdoa di tengah padang sebelum permainan bermula membuahkan hasil apabila berjaya menjaringkan gol dalam masa 37 saat selepas permainan bermula sekaligus menjadikan ia sebagai gol terpantas musim ini. Hernandez menewaskan penjaga gol Chelsea, Petr ?ech selepas menerima bola pass-through dari Park Ji-Sung yang juga beraksi cemerlang sepanjang separuh masa pertama. Tidak cukup dengan satu gol, pertahanan Manchester United, Vidic pula menjaringkan gol kedua setelah dibantu oleh Ryan Giggs, menambah kekecewaan Chelsea yang mengharapkan gol penyamaan pada ketika itu. Hantaran yang kemas dan percubaan yang berbahaya menambah lagi tekanan kepada Chelsea, yang bercita-cita merampas takhta United sebagai pendahulu liga. Walaubagaimanapun Didier Drogba beraksi cemerlang setelah banyak percubaannya menguji penjaga gol United, Edwin Van der Sar.
Di separuh masa kedua pula Chelsea lebih banyak melakukan serangan. Pada minit ke-62, pemain terbaru Chelsea, Fernando Torres menggantikan Kalou dalam misi untuk menguatkan bahagian depan. Torres melakukan aksi cemerlang apabila berjaya menyusup masuk ke bahagian pertahanan United namun malangnya tiada gol dihasilkan. Gol pertama Chelsea datang tidak disangka-sangka pada minit ke 68 apabila Lampard menanduk masuk bola hasil daripada lambungan Ramires, walaupun tercetus sedikit persoalan sama ada offside ataupun tidak. Tiada lagi jaringan selepas itu dan wisel penamat pun berbunyi, menandakan kemenangan United di tempat sendiri sekaligus meletakkan pasukan itu satu langkah besar menjadi juara liga perdana Inggeris yang ke-19.
Howard Webb, yang dikatakan pemain ke-12 Manchester United membuktikan bahawa dirinya tidak berat sebelah. Foul yang diberi tidak hanya memihak kepada United malah memberi peluang kepada Chelsea. Dua pemain Chelsea yang sepatutnya sudah boleh dilayangkan kad merah tetapi hanya diberi amaran oleh pengadil Howard Webb. Kedudukan pengadilan agak stabil walaupun tercetus kontroversi penalti yang sepatutnya diberikan kepada United tetapi diabaikan oleh Webb.
Sementara itu, Arsenal yang menewaskan United 1-0 pada perlawanan minggu lepas kecewa apabila tewas 3-1 di tangan Stoke City. Gol-gol Stoke City dihasilkan oleh Jones dan Pennant pada separuh masa pertama, dan Walters pada minit ke 82 sebagai serangan balas kepada gol yang dihasilkan oleh van Persie pada minit ke 81. Perlawanan berakhir dengan kekalahan Arsenal di tempat lawan dan kegembiraan Stoke City menewaskan kelab gergasi itu.
P/S: Liverpool punya match malam ni. Tengok berapa banyak depa nak score.
Sedar tak sedar kita sudah hampir tiba ke penghujungnya. Dua pasukan pendahulu liga masing-masing berjaya melangkah ke peringkat penentuan raja Eropah dan wang tunai yang semestinya untuk membeli pemain yang mahal-mahal tapi tak reti nak score setiap kali perlawanan ataupun menghuni bangku simpanan sekadar menonton perlawanan tanpa perlu bayar tiket. Siapa sangka dua pasukan yang kalah perlawanan liga domestik masing-masing sebelumnya boleh melangkau sampai ke peringkat akhir? Walaupun begitu mereka sudah membuktikan bahawa merekalah yang layak digelar raja Eropah sesi 2010/2011 ini.
Barcelona berjaya melangkah ke peringkat akhir setelah berjaya menumpaskan musuh tradisi, Real Madrid dalam perlawanan El Clasico yang entah keberapa kali dalam masa tiga minggu ini. Barcelona memastikan bahawa Real Madrid tidak akan pulang dengan piala yang lain pula untuk dicampak dan dimesra-mesrakan dengan bas. Lionel Messi ternyata menjadi hero utama apabila menjaringkan dua gol cantik pada first leg sebelum mengikat Real Madrid 1-1 pada second leg, menjadikan agregat 3-1 yang melayakkan Barcelona ke peringkat akhir. Memang tidak dinafikan banyak drama murahan berlaku, seperti drama kad merah dilayangkan di padang dan tidak ketinggalan juga di terowong dan di tempat duduk pengurus.
Jose Mourinho diambang penyingkiran
Sementara itu, pada satu lagi perlawanan separuh akhir Manchester United berdepan dengan kelab dari Jerman, FC Schalke 04. Keputusan first leg nyata memihak kepada Manchester United dengan kemenangan dan kelebihan gol pelawat sebanyak dua berbalas kosong. Alex Ferguson mengambil tindakan berani dengan menyimpan beberapa tonggak utama pasukannya dalam misi untuk menewaskan Chelsea dan sekaligus mengukuhkan kedudukan di takhta liga. Hasilnya amat mengecewakan Schalke apabila dinafikan kemenangannya oleh Manchester United dengan hasil bolos 4 berbalas 1 pada second leg, menjadikan agregat 6-1 yang melayakkan Manchester United ke peringkat akhir bertemu Barcelona. Tidak dinafikan Barcelona adalah pasukan yang hebat sehinggakan Ferguson pun cuba meminta tips dari Mourinho.
Perlawanan rematch Liga Juara-juara Eropah 2009 ini pastinya menjanjikan aksi dan drama. Adakah Barcelona akan mengulangi kejayaannya menewaskan United seperti di Rom pada tahun 2009? Tunggu saja 29 Mei ini dan saksikannya sendiri.