Friday, 25 March 2011

Update: OMG! LOL! FYI the Oxford English Dictionary Added New Words!

According to the OED‘s site, the newest edition of the dictionary revises more than 1,900 entries and includes a ton of new words, including LOL, OMG and FYI. These words often uses in online form, as a shortform of Laughing Out Loud, Oh My God and For Your Information.

According to the OED’s blog post - “The intention is usually to signal an informal, gossipy mode of expression, and perhaps parody the level of unreflective enthusiasm or overstatement that can sometimes appear in online discourse, while at the same time marking oneself as an ‘insider’ au fait with the forms of expression associated with the latest technology.” These three will be joined with other entries such as IMHO, TMI and BFF which also carries some meaning which can be found online or in informal discussion.

The heart sign (read: <3), however, is perhaps the most interesting addition. This update may be the first English usage to develop via the medium of T-shirts and bumper-stickers. Personally, I'm looking forward for the next edition, which hopefully can include some more of internet lingo such as tl;dr, TITS OR GTFO, STFU, nufags useful shortform in the language.

Update: OED added the word 'hentai' too in their latest update. Oxford's online entry for hentai is as follows;
Pronunciation: /h?n?t??/
[mass noun]
a subgenre of the Japanese genres of manga and anime, characterized by overtly sexualized characters and sexually explicit images and plots.
1990s: Japanese, literally 'abnormal, perverted'

This is the new Japanese/anime terms addition after otaku in 2004 and hikikomori in 2010

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

How to Start Right in Astronomy

This article is written by Alan MacRobert from astronomy magazine Sky & Telescope. It is well worth a read if you are thinking of getting into the hobby. This good piece on the web worth sharing with others who are interested and would like to make the first step into astronomy.

"DEAR SKY & TELESCOPE," the letter began. "I am 20 years old and new to astronomy. I have always been fascinated with the stars and universe. What would you suggest my first step be to get into the hobby, so that I might get the most enjoyment out of it?"

It's a good question, one that deserves better answers than most beginners find. Many newcomers to astronomy call us in exasperation after blundering down some wrong trail that leaves them lost and frustrated. Such experiences, widely shared, create a general public impression that astronomy is a tough hobby to get into. But this impression is altogether wrong and unnecessary.

Many other hobbies that have magazines, conventions, and vigorous club scenes have developed effective ways to welcome and orient beginners. Why can't we? For starters, novice astronomers would have more success if a few simple, well-chosen direction signs were posted for them at the beginning of the trail.

What advice would help beginners the most? Sky & Telescope editors brainstormed this question. Pooling thoughts from more than 200 years of collective experience answering the phone and mail, we came up with a number of pointers to help newcomers past the pitfalls and onto the straightest route to success.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Longest Video on Youtube

Duration: 478:48:05 (Approx. 20 days)


Tell me if you watch this video 20 days non-stop, and I shall carve your name on my blog for a week.

'Sakit hati' boleh lapor pada SKMM

Penulis blog Mohd Nur Hanief Abdul Jalil mendakwa beliau disiasat tiga jam oleh Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) kerana ada yang "sakit hati" tentang kandungan blognya. 

"Mereka (SKMM) kata ada orang yang laporkan saya sebab 'sakit hati'.

"Kalau orang ada sakit hati tentang gambar atau kandungan blog mereka kata boleh laporkan pada SKMM untuk disiasat," kata Hanief.

Dalam soal-siasat pagi jam 10 pagi tadi di ibu pejabat SKMM di Cyberjaya, Hanief hadir berseorangan kerana peguamnya N Surendran tidak dapat hadir.

Katanya, walaupun bapanya dibenarkan hadir sama tetapi beliau memilih menjalani sesi itu berseorangan.

SKMM menolak permohonan Surendran supaya siasatan itu ditunda ke masa lain supaya beliau dapat turut serta.

Hanief, 27, bagaimanapun berpendapat cara SKMM menangani kes itu seperti mahu menakut-nakutkan penulis blog. - mkini

Mampus kalau ada orang tak puas hati dengan blog gua. Masuk lokap la nampaknya gua nanti.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Supermoon Rising Tonight

In astrology, a supermoon is a full or new moon that coincides with a close approach by the Moon to the Earth. The Moon's distance varies each month between approximately 354,000 km (220,000 mi) and 410,000 km (254,000 mi) due to its elliptical orbit around Earth, says Wikipedia. In other words, supermoon is the phenomenon when the moon is in its position closest to the earth and this phenomenon occured once for almost 20 years.

The last supermoon, or its official name perigee moon, occured on March 1993. Perigee moons are also known to cause higher tides but nothing to worry about, there are not known natural disaster causes by the moon. For best view, take a look at the moon when the moon is near the horizon at the early evening. “That is, it turns out, a distance of rare beauty,” wrote NASA scientiest Tony Philips.

19 March 2011 is the day when you can see again the beauty of celestial object around the sky. Of course, supermoon is waiting for you tonight. Keep your windows open and feels the awesomeness and perfection of this nature.

"The moon looks upon many night flowers; the night flowers see but one moon." ~Jean Ingelow

Friday, 18 March 2011

Mengapa Tenaga Nuklear Bagus Digunakan

Kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia memandang negatif tentang perkara ini terutamanya apabila mendengar desas-desus bahawa kerajaan kita mahu membina loji nuklear dan seumpamanya jadi saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menulis entri dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Sikap rakyat Malaysia yang terlalu sensitif membawa kepada kemunduran negara. Pergi saja ke papan-papan forum dan jaringan komuniti, apabila seseorang atau satu pihak berkata tentang pembinaan loji nuklear dan perkara yang berkaitan dengannya, pasti ada komen-komen yang memandang rendah perkara ini. Mari lihat contoh yang saya jumpa di satu jaringan komuniti terkenal 'Facebook'.

Anda lihat sendiri betapa mudahnya rakyat Malaysia menilai kepentingan tenaga nuklear di Malaysia. Pemikiran seperti inilah yang menyebabkan kita takut untuk mengambil langkah walaupun setapak kehadapan.

Mengapa Tenaga Nuklear Bagus Digunakan?

Secara umumnya, manusia memerlukan sumber tenaga untuk hidup. Kita memerlukan tenaga untuk cahaya, haba, kenderaan dan seumpamanya. Pada masa sekarang, tenaga yang paling banyak digunakan ialah apa yang dikenali sebagai gas asli atau fossil fuel yang kita bakar untuk mendapatkan tenaga. Malangnya, penggunaan fossil fuel ini membawa kepada pencemaran dan pemanasan global.

Oleh itu kita perlu bertindak bijak menukar tabiat kita dengan menukar sumber tenaga kepada sesuatu yang kurang merosakkan alam sekitar. Ada juga yang mencadangkan kita menggunapakai sumber tenaga seperti solar dan angin tetapi sumber itu terlalu mahal, tidak konsisten dan menggunakan ruang yang besar untuk dibina. Tiada yang sempurna, tetapi kita perlu bijak membuat keputusan dengan akal dan bukan perasaan.

Tenaga nuklear mungkin merupakan satu idea yang tidak ideal tetapi terbaik yang wujud di muka bumi ini. Tenaga nuklear selalunya dipandang rendah sebagai membawa kepada kemusnahan jangka panjang tetapi kemalangan melibatkan letupan janakuasa tenaga nuklear berlaku hanya beberapa kali, dan kita boleh mengklasifikasikannya sebagai kes terpencil. Bahkan, apabila kita menggunakan tenaga ini dengan baik, tenaga nuklear boleh menjadi tenaga yang sangat bagus dan tidak menyebabkan pencemaran udara.

Mari kita lihat mengapa secara umumnya tenaga nuklear dikatakan bagus digunakan berbanding tenaga lain.

  • Tenaga nuklear sangat bersih dibandingkan dengan tenaga lain.

  • Tenaga nuklear boleh dihasilkan dengan selamat dan semakin selamat.

  • Tenaga nuklear boleh dihasilkan dengan murah. Kos pembinaannya menelan belanja yang sangat tinggi, tetapi sangat menjimatkan dalam jangka masa panjang berbanding gas asli.

  • Ia juga merupakan cara terbaik untuk menyimpan tenaga radioaktif yang dihasilkan.

  • Ia juga dikatakan lebih konsisten daripada sumber tenaga seperti matahari dan angin.

  • Tenaga nuklear juga lebih mesra alam.

Mungkin para pembaca sekalian mahu membaca sumber yang lebih menarik dan spesifik lagi berkenaan dengan sumber tenaga nuklear ini. Rajin-rajinkanlah mencari artikel yang berkaitan seperti ini, ini, ini, ini, ini dan ini. Setiap perkara di dunia ini mempunyai kelebihan dan keburukan, cuma apa yang diperlukan ialah keberanian dan tekad.

Some persons are very decisive when it comes to avoiding decisions.

~Brendan Francis

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Random Tricks: How to Hide Files Inside JPEG Images

Most of you have private files and often keep thinking a way of hiding it from people who using up your computer. Here is one of the fun way to hide it. You can hide inside JPEG images instead of encrypting folder or changes the attributes of the files. Click on the pictures to enlarge.

1. Create a folder on your hard drive i.e. C:hide and put all the files you want to hide and a JPEG image.

2. Now select the files you want to hide and compress them into .rar or any type of compression files.

3. Now you see a jpeg image, files, and a compressed file.

4. Click on Start, open run and type cmd and press Enter. Type in CD to get into the root directory. Then type in CD and the directory name that you created, i.e CD hide

5. Now type in the following line: copy /b mikoto.jpg + hide.rar mikoto.jpg and press Enter. See the response below:

Now you have done. To open the files, you have two way. You can either change the extension of jpg image to .rar or right click and choose Open With and then scroll down to WinRAR. That's it, hidden files inside your image.


Yes, people can click the image directly and they will stumbled upon innocent picture instead of hidden files.

It is a great way because not many people know it's actually possible and no one even thinks about a picture as having to the ability to “hide” files. Enjoy.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Lee Chong Wei Grabs Two Consecutive All-England Title

Malaysian's Lee Chong Wei grabs his two consecutive All-England title after beating his nemesis Lin Dan in a straight set  21-17, 21-17, crushing the ace of China from becoming the first shuttler in nearly 40 years to win the oldest badminton title for the fifth time. Lee Chong Wei, despite becoming the world first-ranked player, has only won 8 from 23 matches with Lin Dan since 2004. "I played safe today, I didn't go for the points at all," Lee said. "But I was mentally strong this time."

Results (All finals)

Singles: Lee Chong Wei (Mas) bt Lin Dan (China) 21-17, 21-17
Doubles: Mathias Boe-Carsten Mogensen (Den) bt Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong (Mas) 15-21, 21-18, 21-18

Singles: Wang Shixian (China) bt Eriko Hirose (Japan) 24-22, 21-19
Doubles: Yu Yang-Wang Xiaoli (China) bt Mizuki Fujii-Reika Kakiiwa 21-2, 21-9

Mixed doubles: Xu Chen-Ma Jin (China) bt Sudket Prapakamol-Saralee Thoungthongkam (Thai) 21-13, 21-9

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Rekod Tanpa Kalah Kelantan Lebur

Rekod tanpa kalah pasukan Kelantan lebur apabila tewas kepada Pahang hasil jaringan R Surendran dan Mohd Faizol Hussein pada Liga Super yang berlangsung di Stadium Darul Makmur, Kuantan malam tadi.

Dua gol yang tercipta pada penghujung separuh masa yang kedua itu membolehkan pasukan kendalian Dollah Salleh memungut tiga mata dihadapan penyokong sendiri. Kedua-dua pasukan beraksi dengan baik dan menghiburkan pada separuh masa pertama.

Dua kad kuning dilayangkan kepada kedua pasukan, menjadikannya empat kad kuning dilayangkan sepanjang perlawanan oleh pengadil Lismotia Mohem Mohd Tisa pada separuh masa pertama.

Pahang hampir meletakkan pasukannya di depan, namun rembatan Famirul Asraf Sayuti sedikit tersasar pada minit ke 13 sebelum R Surendran menebus kembali kekecewaan apabila meletakkan Pahang satu gol di hadapan hasil hantaran lintang Azamuddin Mohd Akil dari sebelah kanan pintu gol Kelantan.

Tiga minit separuh masa kedua bersambung, S Chanturu hampir menyamakan kedudukan namun hampa apabila gol dibatalkan kerana berada dalam posisi ofsaid. Peluang-peluang terbaik gagal disudahkan oleh kedua belah pihak sehingga saat-saat akhir apabila Mohd Faizol Hussin menambah gol seterusnya menghancurkan impian Kelantan untuk mengekalkan rekod tanpa kalah musim ini. Tahniah Pahang atas kemenangan ke atas The Red Warriors.
P/S: Sejuta kali lebih hebat dari kekalahan dan kegagalan rekod tanpa kalah Manchester United kepada Wolves 2-0.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

8.9 Earthquake struck Japan triggering a Tsunami Alert

An 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck the east coast of Japan early morning on 11 March 2011. This earthquake, probably one of the 5 biggest earthquakes in thousand years, triggered a tsunami that sweeping all cars, houses and killing hundreds. Click on the pictures below to enlarge.

Latest Wikipedia official page (prior 10:47A.M. GMT+8) states that more than 637 has been found dead, and more than 10,000 are currently missing (source: An aftershock happens to infect some of the East Asian countries and Hawaii, followed by volcano eruption in Indonesia after 8.9 magnitude quake in Japan.
Current disaster: ??????????  -- T?hoku Chih? Taiheiy?-oki Jishin -- T?hoku region Pacific Ocean offshore earthquake -- Magnitude 8.9 to 9.1

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga - Original Song version

I just spent my free time (3 to 5 AM can be considered free time if I can't sleep lol) to make this tribute video. Enjoy.

Oh btw for who doesn't know what is Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga feels free to watch this original song first

International Saimoe League Phase I, Day 4 - Total Domination for K-ON!

I kinda sad when ISML voters doesn't give chances for new characters to arise, well at least Kanade exceeds the most voted against K-ON chara and some old characters like Shana and Nagato Yuki are still dominating but hell, K-ON moe explodes more than others, when all the characters from those overrated anime doing a really 'good job' despite of having lots of challengers from lots of new anime series. Take a look at this table for example


This is what we call domination, after Mio won last year's Tiara (right) and suddenly she dominating again, and the score table (left) is the prove until Day 4 of Phase 1 session. Seriously, I lol'd at most voters who consider their characters based on the popularity of overrated moe but not using their so-called otaku brain. Call me kids, and I can just lol-ing at your face for having a nice overrated anime and characters,.

P/S: You should know there will be K-ON! Movie and K-ON! University session soon. And they doing this all for money, back to 90s pure anime series where you got pure excitement and original plots.