First Leg: 29.June 2011
Second Leg: 3 July 2011
Pronunciation: /h?n?t??/
[mass noun]
a subgenre of the Japanese genres of manga and anime, characterized by overtly sexualized characters and sexually explicit images and plots.
1990s: Japanese, literally 'abnormal, perverted'
"DEAR SKY & TELESCOPE," the letter began. "I am 20 years old and new to astronomy. I have always been fascinated with the stars and universe. What would you suggest my first step be to get into the hobby, so that I might get the most enjoyment out of it?"
It's a good question, one that deserves better answers than most beginners find. Many newcomers to astronomy call us in exasperation after blundering down some wrong trail that leaves them lost and frustrated. Such experiences, widely shared, create a general public impression that astronomy is a tough hobby to get into. But this impression is altogether wrong and unnecessary.
Many other hobbies that have magazines, conventions, and vigorous club scenes have developed effective ways to welcome and orient beginners. Why can't we? For starters, novice astronomers would have more success if a few simple, well-chosen direction signs were posted for them at the beginning of the trail.
What advice would help beginners the most? Sky & Telescope editors brainstormed this question. Pooling thoughts from more than 200 years of collective experience answering the phone and mail, we came up with a number of pointers to help newcomers past the pitfalls and onto the straightest route to success.
Duration: 478:48:05 (Approx. 20 days)
Uploader: ahmon123
Penulis blog Mohd Nur Hanief Abdul Jalil mendakwa beliau disiasat tiga jam oleh Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) kerana ada yang "sakit hati" tentang kandungan blognya.
"Mereka (SKMM) kata ada orang yang laporkan saya sebab 'sakit hati'.
"Kalau orang ada sakit hati tentang gambar atau kandungan blog mereka kata boleh laporkan pada SKMM untuk disiasat," kata Hanief.
Dalam soal-siasat pagi jam 10 pagi tadi di ibu pejabat SKMM di Cyberjaya, Hanief hadir berseorangan kerana peguamnya N Surendran tidak dapat hadir.
Katanya, walaupun bapanya dibenarkan hadir sama tetapi beliau memilih menjalani sesi itu berseorangan.
SKMM menolak permohonan Surendran supaya siasatan itu ditunda ke masa lain supaya beliau dapat turut serta.
Hanief, 27, bagaimanapun berpendapat cara SKMM menangani kes itu seperti mahu menakut-nakutkan penulis blog. - mkini